
A serialized tale of titans who beget gods who beget heroes who beget pens and pencils that reboot the franchise.

  1. static

  2. identity

  3. connection

  4. distance

  5. night

  6. day

  7. time

  8. memory

  9. love

  10. love letter

  11. atlantis

  12. appalachia

  13. tin

  14. copper

  15. iron

  16. nickel

  17. steel

  18. newspaper

  19. train

  20. telegraph

  21. timezone

  22. telephone

  23. nickelodeon

  24. car

  25. radio

  26. broadcast tv

  27. hydrogen

  28. plane

  29. sql

  30. shock and awe

  31. closed circuit

  32. home movie

  33. college tv

  34. internet

  35. flash

  36. youtube poop

  37. vlog

  38. stream

  39. vine

  40. snap

  41. story

  42. tik tok

  43. toilet

  44. digital avatar with a remote presence on the island of dr. moreau